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Dec 022010

Stress treatment in North London by Jill HyamsIn this ever busy world in which we live, stress has become a serious health problem for a growing number of people.

Working long hours, often under great pressure, is a major contributing factor. Personal relationship difficulties, poor diet and lack of exercise can also cause stress related problems.

Stress can manifest itself in a range of conditions including anxiety, digestive disorders, allergies, sexual dysfunction, sleep problems and lowered immunity.

Jill Hyams of Nutritional Therapy North London, based in Muswell Hill, N10 offers a range of treatments following an initial consultation to discuss client problems. Shiatsu massage has proven very effective in the relief of stress and Jill is a trained and experienced practitioner in this form of treatment.

To discuss effective stress treatment in North London, Jill can be contacted on 0208 883 5378 or 07815 111502. Alternatively, visit her website at nutritionaltherapynorthlondon.co.uk